Release Notes June/July 2024

Release Notes June/July 2024

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ClerkWorks XML

Release Notes for Version

Release Date: June 302024


1. Civil Forfeitures and Penalty Options – The functionality for adding civil forfeitures along with more penalty options has been streamlined and enhanced to provide additional auditing detail throughout the program. 


  1. Must have Penalty Master records configured. A record for penalty types of Civil Forfeitures and Late Fees will already be added during the update. Additional Penalty settings can be configured through Administration à Penalty Master. 

Note: If your community imposes additional licensing penalties, this new feature can handle them as well. 

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  1. License type definitions must be updated to include when the condition of PType=CF. This will already be configured during the update. 

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Analyze & Generate Civil Forfeitures and other Penalties-Following the Numbered Steps in Order:   

1. Select the Dogs group. 

2. Select the type of license(s) to apply the Civil Forfeiture or other penalty types by marking each type in the corresponding box. **IMPORTANT** Only mark the 2+ group/kennel license type if your community assesses a Civil Forfeiture penalty per dog within the group license. 

3. Include the necessary details associated to Licenses to Include section. Use the License Number filter to add the penalty to a single license or use the CID filter to add the penalty to all licenses for a single citizen. By default, the additional License Number and CID filters will be blank. 

4. Configure the Penalty Record Defaults section by selecting the date the penalty is being assessed (Assessed Date), the Effective Year, Penalty Type, TCode, and Charge. 

5. Click Analyze & Generate to proceed. Note: The Analyze & Generate button will only be activated once all sections are complete and default values for TCode and Charge have been set within the Penalty Master A progress bar will be presented, and when the analysis is complete, the user will be taken to the Results tab. Please note that these settings will remain until you return to the process again.  

Process Civil Forfeiture

Based on the criteria configured on the Prepare tab, all licenses eligible for Civil Forfeiture will be displayed in the grid on the Results tab. 

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1. Select all licenses by marking the checkbox in the header row of the grid. 

2. Press Process Selected to assign the Civil Forfeiture fee to all records selected. When the process is complete, the user will be presented with an Information dialog. Press OK on this dialog. 

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Reviewing Dog Information and Civil Forfeitures 

Users can review the Civil Forfeiture penalties added to the system by either accessing a license record from the Results tab (after closing the information dialog) or by viewing the license record through Maintain Licenses, or by generating a Civil Forfeiture report.

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The License Editor screen now includes a Penalties tab and will display all penalties currently assessed on the record. 

Some other enhancements include viewing a previous dog license record while you are in renewal, along with a suppress button to halt a civil forfeiture on a particular record. A screenshot of a computerDescription automatically generated

Note: The Civil Forfeiture fee can be voided from the License Editor screen by right-clicking on the active (status = A) penalty record and selecting the void option. 

A report of the Civil Forfeitures added can be printed by clicking the Print button on the Results tab and selecting the CFReport.rpt from the user’s system. This report includes all licenses assessed as a penalty, the count, and the total fees assessed. 

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Civil Forfeitures and Dog Licensing Online 

The new penalty master and penalties tables have been added to the synchronization menu and will be synchronized to EB2Gov and referenced when penalties are calculated online

Communities can now expand (back collect) license renewals and civil forfeitures online for prior expiration years. To take advantage of this feature, please contact to have it enabled. 

2. Civil Forfeiture Flag on Receipt – Once the Civil Forfeiture process occurs and the owner attempts the renewal in ClerkWorks, the Civil Forfeiture flag will now show as “NO/FALSE, even if there is an actual Civil Forfeiture associated.  Make sure when processing that the calculations and line items within the receipt are correct.  If at that time the renewal is canceledthe status will revert to “YES/TRUE. This enhancement along with the new Civil Forfeiture process will eliminate the requirement to reset this flag at the beginning of each new license year. 

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3. Pending License Entry – The licensing menu now includes a Pending License option for quickly entering pending license records. When you choose this option, you'll see a new License Editor screen with the pending license settings pre-selected. After entering a pending license, the system will prompt you to add another, streamlining the process of entering multiple pending licenses.

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4Add New License  When adding a new license record, the Group and Type will automatically be set to the most recent values entered, if available.

5. License Master – Several enhancements, described below, have been made to the License Master screen.

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  1. Expiration Date Filter – Records in the grid can now be filtered by expiration date and the corresponding record count will reflect the filtered results. 

  1. Screen Splitter – The screen now includes a splitter, allowing the user to adjust the size of the lower panel. 

  1. History – A new history tab has been added to enable the user to review the history of a license, without exiting the record to access license master editor. 

6. Receipt Quantities – The quantity on the receipt will now reflect the following:

  1. The number of months charged for dog licensing late fees
  2. The number of years charged for all yearly fees
  3. The number of penalties applied for civil forfeitures

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1. Corporate Owner Birthday – When adding a new Corporate Owner, the date of birth will now be calculated properly. 

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2. Duplicate Registration for Expired Vehicle – Users will now be unable to process a duplicate registration for an expired vehicle. A warning will be presented, and the transaction will be cleared upon acknowledgment of the warning. 

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3.  Renewal Mailer Notices Correction—Veteran plates that are due to be renewed will now properly calculate and reflect only one free plate based on their Veteran status, plate type, and expiration year.  


1. Database Selection – When the user switches database locations on the main Login screen, the selection will now be placed into context. 

2. Print EB2GovLog – The EB2GovLog report will now optionally print online transactions originating through an integration with an external vendor

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3. Daily Bulk Reporting Printed Flag – When printing the Cash Report from bulk reporting, the receipts will now be correctly marked as printed.

4Daily Bulk Reporting Charge Summary – The Charge Summary report can now be included in your daily reporting package. 

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1. MVAudit.rpt – The registrant’s name has been added to the motor vehicle audit report, which is designed to report both local and state fees on a single report. This report is designed to be used with the “All” report parameter. 

2. EB2GovLog.rpt – If the CustomerName field is empty, the value will be pulled from the fields CheckName_1 and CheckName_2. 

3. CFReport.rpt – This report can be printed from the Process Civil Forfeiture screen and includes all licenses that have been assessed a penalty, the count, and total fees assessed.

4PenReport.rpt- This report is used to run specifically any penalties associated and breakdowns of each.